


These works come from a period of questioning the medium. A process of stripping down its elements in pursuit of examining key elements like paint or canvas. I felt like I had to explore the silence within painting after a period of assertive marks on the surface. Sort of trying to fight away from my emotional and existential motifs when painting yet I quickly realised that it wasn’t really possible and the less there is on the surface the more enhanced the relationship is between the two elements and you see more of yourself in the painting. I was interested in cynical painters at the time like Michael Krebber and Merlin Carpenter. Only because they used minimal painting in a way that is critical towards the medium itself. They raise concerns relating to the institutionalisation of painting by creating simple paintings sold as commodities which added to my questioning of the medium or art as a whole.

‘The snake that ate itself’ 62 x 48 mixed media on calico

‘Things that used to be’ 62 x 47 mixed media on calico

‘Dreamt before’ 130 x 130 projection of moving image on canvas

‘Resistance’ 90 x 115 oil on calico

‘Something to hang on’ 30 x 30 frames

‘Ou’ 51 x 122 oil on calico on 109 x 75 frame

year of the rat

Untitled 84 x 128 oil and paper on calico

Untitled 60 x 80 oil and paper on calico

Untitled 90 x 115 oil on calico